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Early stage career clarity as displayed by the pharmacists within this publication is quite heartwarming. It is also good to see that what PSN-YPG Lagos is doing will enhance career clarity for those of us (yes, like me) who are late bloomers or unclear for a longer time. Pharm Abimbola Adebakin [CEO, Advantage Health Africa; Program Director, Pharmacists Leadership Stimulant Program (PLSP)] |
Pantheon-X is another proof that you can lead from wherever you are. The PSN-YPG Lagos through this beautiful piece of work has once again exhibited her leadership abilities, presenting more than a hundred pages of inspiration and leadership by example. We are aware of the greats in the Pharmacy profession but with Pantheon-X we now recognize the “next-big-things”. Pharm (Mazi) Sam Ohuabunwa OFR, MON, NPOM, FPSN [President, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN)] |
To say I am impressed with the quality in content and outlay of the Pantheon-X is truly an Pharm Olufunto Olude FPCpharm, CCSP [Convener, The Meeting Point NG] |